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Teaching Practice

SEN Planning

"Diversity is having a seat the table. Inclusion is having a voice. Belonging is having that voice be heard"


- Liz Fosslien

In semester two of PME 1 we were scheduled to do a two week Special Educational Needs placement. The placement could not take place due to Covid-19, so instead we planned for the placement. The SEN module featured a mentor and mentee relationship, one PME student mentored 2 BA students. It was our job to guide the BA students, to show them how to research and plan for placement. We focused on differentiation, collaboration and different teaching activities. My group created a Unit of Learning that featured a range of sensory activities which led to the final Sensory Display.

SEN Placement Planning

Find your way, Sensory Wall

Theme: Find your way
Project: Sensory wall display outside of the Music room. 

Colour coordinated tiles will be displayed on the wall in the corridor on the way to the classroom.

Class: Ages 10 to 12, following the primary school curriculum.
Create one large sensory display made from textured tiles. Displayed in the shape of a music note. Smaller tiles in the shape of arrows will lead to the display, along the corridor.

Aim of Unit of Learning:

The students will create a textured tiles made from recycled materials. Which will be displayed outside the music room creating a sensory pathway. The display will be in red. The theme find your way will be explored through the 5 senses.

Project outline: Find your way, sensory display wall
Three examples of the sensory tiles
Presentation of our Unit of Learning
Outline the learning content



Phone: 0879741051




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