Art Practice
Body of Work
"I think all art is about control, the encounter between control and uncontrollable"
- Richard Avedon
"How humans became property owners and animals became property"
2017 - 2018
This canon of work is an investigation into control. How humans became property owners and animals became property. I have continued to push my work in order to create awareness of how we treat animals and the issues farmers are dealing with. The materials I work with are wood, dairy products, wire, wax, plaster and found material. Working with a range of material from wood to video I have continued to push my work in order to create awareness of how we treat animals in hope of creating a sense of empathy for the hopeless creatures that can’t speak for themselves. The work reflects extensive research into Dorothy Cross and Maria McKinney. While comparing Temple Grandin’s philosophy with animal activists believes with Lesli Bisgould. I expand the imagery and ideas by making experiments and drawing continuously that feature aspects of the farm and the how the animals interact with each other. I am interested in the viewer’s perception of how animals are treated and why we believes it is okay to control them.
Sculpture/ Casting
The biography of the object
What if you casted milk or cheese? What can be added to the material to make it more authentic? How can I push the material to the limit? These were the questions that anchored this investigation.
Handmade butter was placed into moulds. Cheese was filled into the centre of wax casts. Powdered milk was mixed with plaster to create a fragile material. Cows hair sourced from cows horns was placed into the wax.
Horn mould
Collection of casts